What Will Happen If You Drive With These Brake Problems?

Out of all the problems a car can have, brake problems are perhaps the most frightening. No one wants to have a light turn red in front of them, push down on the brake pedal, and suddenly realize that their car isn't slowing down at all.

Luckily, this isn't something that happens very often. Brakes will almost always show symptoms that they need service before they fail completely. But all this hinges on you not ignoring the early signs of brake trouble – if you do, you might end up with far more costly repairs.

Screeching Brakes

If your car makes a screeching noise when you brake, you've got a brake problem. The sound may come from all wheels; more likely, it will come from either the front wheels or the back wheels. This sound is actually there by design – it's how your brake pads let you know that they've worn down to the point where they need to be replaced.

You can drive with screeching brakes, although the sound may be annoying. Worn brake pads won't cause your car to be unable to brake. However, ignoring this problem will lead to wearing through your brake pads completely and beginning to wear down your rotors, which are much more expensive to replace.

Pulling To The Side

If your car pulls to the side when braking, there's probably an issue with the hydraulics. Your brake line could be kinked or clogged, causing the brakes on one side to not work properly, or you might have a seized caliper.

Whatever the root of the issue, this is a very serious problem; if you need to brake suddenly while driving, you don't want your car to pull to the side and end up in a collision. It's also an unnecessary distraction to have your car pulling to the side when you're trying to brake to avoid an accident, splitting your attention and reducing your reaction time.

Steering Wheel Vibration

Usually, if your steering wheel vibrates when you brake, this means that your rotors have become warped or worn down. Driving after your brake pads have worn down is one of the most common causes of warped rotors, but they can also wear down over time, especially if you have a tendency to brake hard.

The longer you drive with this vibration, the more damage you'll do to your rotors. In addition, the vibration can cause extra wear to other parts of your brake system. So while it's possible to drive your car like this, you should aim to get the problem fixed as soon as possible; otherwise you might end up with much more expensive repairs down the line.

For more information or assistance, contact a company like Lakeside Radiator & Auto Repair.
